Selasa, 16 Juli 2013

Get Your Body into Warrior Shape with Camp Gladiator - FOR FREE

Try-it Tuesdays:

It's been way too long since I got out there and did a Try-it Fitness Tuesday. I could make all kinds of excuses like I've been sick, I've been busy, etc. but to get to the point: I've been a lazy mama and it's time to get things going again - especially before it's fall and those sweat pants and sweaters make it so much easy to cover up all that blubber.

Mama needed to get her rear in gear and that meant I needed something to go full-speed ahead and wouldn't leave any prisoners (or tolerate any fat-girl whining.)

Mama needed to a mamachallenge. And I think I've found it: Camp Gladiator!

Just the name says you-are-gonna-be-a-warrior-at-losing-weight-and-getting-healthy!

Camp Gladiator is more than a fitness boot camp, it’s an experience they say. One of the fastest growing and most dynamic fitness program in the nation, Camp Gladiator is a four week, adult fitness boot camp that promises a motivating and challenging environment, where men and women of all ages and fitness levels can push themselves and hopefully be pushed too!

Campers as we are called should expect a total body workout. A typical session could include interval training, sprint and agility drills, stations, plyometrics, body weight strength drills, cardio mix, and much more!

In the words of RuPaul, "You Better Work!" 

Designed to increase your functional strength, speed, stamina and, most importantly, to deliver results, Camp Gladiator works to not just be about exercise, but positive energy and connect people to who they want to be.

And since I want to be a healthier and leaner mama, I've enrolled for the upcoming August camp. Yep, for four weeks I'll be going at it like a mad woman and you are going to be here to help me make it to the finish line! And you can actually get in on the fun too with a special FREE offer! (Keep reading for more details.)

So to prepare me for the challenge, here are 10 Rules to Get Me (and You) 
Ready for Camp Gladiator: 
  1. Rain-outs? Never! Every location has a covered area where camp can be held if needed due to weather. Camp Gladiator is rain or shine!
  2. Go at your own pace. Camp Gladiator is for all fitness levels. Do the best you can at camp! No one is ever holding anyone up and no one is being held up by others. Do what you can and always try your hardest. Kick your own butt!
  3. Modifications are available if needed. Ask a trainer or just keep moving on your own. The goal is to keep your heart rate up for the entire hour, so ask your trainer for an alternate exercise as needed.
  4. Stay positive! This is not an easy workout. Don’t get discouraged if you are not able to do something well. Keep working at it and keep coming to camp. Your body will adjust and you will see great improvements.
  5. Warm-up properly. Don’t go 100% unless you are fully warm. Stretch on your own before and after camp.
  6. You may attend ANY and ALL locations as much as you want!
  7. Each day is different and you might like some workouts more than others. We encourage you to continue coming to camp to experience the entire program.
  8. You always need to: be on time, sign-in, wear a nametag, and bring dumbbells, water and a mat.
  9. Always drink plenty of water! Partner good nutrition with exercise for the best results.
  10. Have FUN! Get to know other campers, be loud, encouraging and energetic! 
And now that I'm sufficiently scared and excited, I couldn't be happier to get things moving in the right direction. 

So are you ready to get your body in gear with Camp Gladiator? They've got a special offer just for you! 

Try Camp Gladiator for FREE throughout the month of July! 

Camp is held at the following locations in Arlington:  
Woodland West Church of Christ - Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 5:15am
Woodland West Park (Dottie Lynn) - Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30pm

All you have to do is contact Amber Dean at to get signed up for camp for the next 2 weeks!

And make sure to follow my progress on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for my results!

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