Senin, 31 Desember 2012

NYE 2013: What's Your Resolution?

Me Mondays:

It's that magical end of the holiday season day where I decide to be better at..., do better at...and of course, eat better to lose...

Are you resolving this year to make any changes? You're in good company; so are a lot of other people as you can see below. 

However, this year it's going to be easier to be better because we're gonna do it together. Yep - the whole reason I created this baby was to help me be better and share my experiences with others so they could be better - hence the name MAMACHALLENGE! 

So be ready this January to start the challenge of being the best we can be in 2013! I have lots of surprises in store for us! However, ff course, like any good southern girl...I'm going to think about that tomorrow! Until then, take a look at the top resolutions and how can start to create your plan for betterness tomorrow as well! 

Until then, HAPPY NEW YEAR'S!

Thanks to for this greeat graphic.

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